Hyderabad: In an exclusive interaction with ETV Bharat, farmer leader Rakesh Tikait claimed that the people will see the three farm laws being repealed by the BJP-led Central government in the Parliament as the farmers' movement is not under anyone's influence but is purely running under the ideological revolution. He said that the entire nation has joined the farmers' agitation on the ideology of the revolution. This is also a fight for the freedom of the farmers. The movement will continue in full swing under one ideology, he added.
"India is connected with the ideological revolution and the revolution created by thoughts brings changes," he claimed. On being asked about with what expectation farmers are staging a protest at Jantar Mantar, the Bharatiya Kisan Union spokesperson said that the farmers just hope for a democratic system. Terming the government as 'shameless', he accused the Centre of not listening to the cries of the protesting farmers.
Read:|Farmers' agitation to remain apolitical; won't contest UP elections: Rakesh Tikait
The farmer leader also said that the protest will continue as farmers were neither weak nor are they nor will they be weakened. "Even after eight months, the farmers' movement has not weakened. We will go across the country to spread the word in public," he said. Accusing the Central government of 'lying to farmers', Tikait said that the Rs one lakh crore fund is just a trap as the money will only strengthen the private mandis. He also demanded a probe on the traders selling their goods in the name of farmers and not purchasing crops on MSP.
Talking about the January 26 Delhi violence, he said that the farmers' unions have already appealed for a centralised probe into the matter as the violence was not a planned one and nothing was done intentionally.