Hyderabad: 'Super 30' founder and Indian mathematics educator Anand Kumar said that he will be expanding his teaching programme by connecting with the underprivileged students through virtual mode in the coming months keeping in mind the Covid situation. Anand Kumar is best known for his 'Super 30' programme, which he started in Patna in 2002. He coaches underprivileged students free of cost for JEE-Advanced, the entrance examination for the IITs.
In an exclusive interaction with ETV Bharat, Anand Kumar spoke about various issues related to his teaching programme and personal life. On being asked why he chose to run the 'Super 30' programme and why did not think of teaching more than 30 students, he said that he planned to expand his programme but amid the Covid crisis, all plans were held up.
Read:|INTERVIEW: 'Super 30' is about hardworking poor students
"After watching Hrithik Roshan-starrer 'Super 30', expectations of many people started rising as they wanted their children to join my programme. I also thought of expanding the strength of students but due to Covid got held up. In the coming months, I will try to reach to many more children who need my teachings through online classes," he stated.
Anand Kumar went on to add that he could only sponsor the education of 30 children despite financial constraints. Anand said, "I took the responsibility of teaching 30 poor children. My family also supported me in teaching them. My mother used to arrange for their meals and my brother also helped me in teaching the students who were willing to get admitted to the top engineering institutes of the country but were having weak financial background."
He also talked about the importance of music by saying that everyone should remain connected with music as it is a universal healer and has the strength to solve many problems. "In current times, children are busy with mobile phones following which they are becoming increasingly irritated each day. Children should connect with music as it clams the minds and boosts energy," Anand Kumar said.