New Delhi:With 'The Kashmir Files' having hit silver screens across the country, allegations have recently surfaced against the BJP, accusing it of mutely spectating and supporting the-then Central Government from outside during the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits back in 1990s. To get a clearer picture, ETV Bharat spoke to KN Govindacharya, a prominent BJP leader from the time and one of the key strategists of the saffron party.
Asked about the allegations against BJP that it was providing support from outside to the Central Government in 1990, when he was the general secretary of BJP, and why didn't BJP withdraw support to VP Singh's government at that time, Govindacharya said that it was more of a humanitarian crisis than a political matter as BJP preferred to help the migrant pandits who were running out of Kashmir. "People were running from there (Kashmir), coming to Delhi, so it was necessary to receive them, give them shelter, secure their possessions. For your information, let me tell you that another BJP general secretary, Kedar Nath Sahni, was made the head of this whole operation. He has worked day and night for two years in this work, without saying a word about it, not even once mentioning his works to the journalists. He made full use of his resource mobilizing capacity," he said.
Also read:The Kashmir Files: Director says Bollywood's silence doesn't matter, planning series
On why BJP did not withdraw its support to send a message even though it could have carried on with his relief work for Kashmiri pandits, he said the political situation at that time was "different". "We were supporting from outside. Our support or non-support had no significant impact on the government. What we could do was to participate in the discussion in the House, to express our opinion, and that is exactly what we did."