Chandighar: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur who is campaigning in poll-bound states like Punjab and Uttrakhand claimed that BJP will register a swift victory in all five states while interacting with ETV Bharat. He said, "I was campaigning in seven assembly seats under Punjab and how much I had interaction with people I witnessed a drastic change in a week and when PM Modi enters the fray for the election campaign as three rallies of him was scheduled in Punjab, then BJP will step towards forming a coalition government in Punjab."
Exclusive: Himachal CM exudes confidence over BJP's victory in 5 states Punjab is having a debt of 3 lakh crore so the Congress development model has failed. "Similarly, Kejriwal's AAP's model doesn't suit Punjab," said CM Thakur.
Talking about the credibility of the freebies announced by the Aam Aadmi Party, Thakur said that it will not help to generate revenue and the best bet is electing a party that can work in close coordination with the Centre.
Answering a question about the double engine government in Punjab, he said "Double engine government like in UP will be the best bet for Punjab and its development. However, it was very unfortunate that the Prime Minister is being stopped to visit Punjab. He was expected to lay the foundation of projects worth 43,000 crores during his visit, but the kind of support which was expected from the state government was not given and as a result, Punjab suffered the loss."
To a question on drugs, the Himachal CM said his government was working in close coordination with the Punjab government. “During the last four years, the Himachal Pradesh government has launched a crackdown against contrabands and also brought a more stringent law against drug traffickers. Apart from that, a plan needs to be made out on what kind of option youth needs to be given so that they don't go in the wrong direction and get involved in the Nation Building."
Assembly elections are also to be held in Himachal by the end of this year, CM Jai Ram Thakur said that in 2022, BJP will again be victorious in Himachal and will break the record of not repeating the government in the state for the last three decades. During the interview, CM also talked over the various dimensions of upcoming assembly polls in five states.
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