New Delhi: MP Navneet Rana has announced the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa at a temple located at Connaught Place in New Delhi on April 14. In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat senior correspondent Anamika Ratna, Independent MP Navneet Rana deliberated upon several issues such as colonial-era law dealing with sedition charges, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray-led Maharashtra government's ill-treatment meted out to her and also giving an open challenge to take on Maharashtra CM on any seat for contesting the election.
MP Navneet Rana, said, What happened in Maharashtra was unfortunate. Britishers were then misusing Section 124 (A) against those who were working for the country. Keeping this archaic law alive simply gives the impression of the failures of the previous governments. The Supreme Court's stay order on Section 124 (A), which deals with the sedition charges, is a welcome move. This law was being misused."
"The Supreme Court has put this colonial-era law on hold. The operation and implementation of the law will be kept in abeyance, till the government completes the review process. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi always worked for the betterment of the country. PM Modi has been converting every impossibility into a possibility," she added.
Read: Mumbai Sessions Court issues notice to MLA Ravi Rana, MP Navneet Rana; asks them to respond by May 18
Speaking about Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, Rana said, "Uddhav Thackeray stooped to the low in my case. My freedom was compromised. I would suggest Maharashtra Chief Minister focus on constructive work instead of indulging in petty politics." The ruling dispensation in Maharashtra has more than 50 MLAs and around 18 MPs despite this they were frightened by one MP and an MLA. Riding on a success bandwagon on someone's legacy (read Balasaheb) is not a big achievement. Gaining something through hard work matters the most. Balasaheb Thackeray was different. Balasaheb worked for the people not for achieving power and post. Whereas Uddhav Thackeray works for the post, not for the people's betterment."