Ballia (Uttar Pradesh): Former Minister Ambika Chaudhary and his son, Anand Chaudhary, have been booked under the POCSO Act for allegedly shouting 'indecent slogans' against state sports minister Upendra Tiwari and his family. A video showing Samajwadi Party (SP) workers allegedly indulging in sloganeering against Upendra Tiwari went viral on social media.
Upendra Tiwari's family had demanded that the accused should be booked under the POCSO Act as the slogans targeted his two minor daughters along with his mother. Upendra Tiwari has alleged that the SP workers had abused his mother and daughters. "In the video, expletives were hurled at my mother and daughters after the panchayat results. Ambika Chaudhary is trying to join the SP through his son. In 75 districts of the state, elections for the Zila panchayat chairpersons were held, but this situation did not come up in the 74 other districts," the minister said.