Delhi: Amid the ongoing row over the irregularities in the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) competitive examinations, which also instigated violence in different cities of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, ETV Bharat has compiled everything you need to know about one of the country's leading recruitment boards.
On Wednesday, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has formed a high-power committee to look into the grievances and concerns of railway job aspirants who have been protesting against the alleged discrepancies in the RRB NTPC result and introduction of CBT 2 in RRB Group D exam.
As Railway Recruitment Board is all around in news we have to understand' What is Railway Recruitment Board,' and what are 'Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)' on railway recruitment process by students.
What is Railway Recruitment Board ? What are its roles and functions?
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) functions under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India. It is primarily responsible for recruiting the group 'C' staff. There are 21 RRBs in the country. Each RRB has a Chairman, and a Member Secretary and an Assistant Secretary and supporting non-gazetted staff.
Why recruitment is conducted with two stages Computer Based Test ?
In case the number of candidates who have applied against the notification are large in number and are more than one crore, then, it is advisable to conduct (Computer Based Test)CBT in two stages with 1st Stage being used to screen the candidates for 2nd Stage and 2nd Stage CBT conducted with limited candidates so that extensive normalization is not involved and the final merit is more just and fair.
What is the basis of shortlisting candidates for 2nd Stage CBT ?
As per the Railway Recruitment Board manual of 2015, candidates 10 times the notified vacancies are to be called for 2nd Stage CBT for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). This is to ensure that the number is limited to the extent that the same can be managed in one or limited shifts to avoid extensive normalization as well as to ensure that adequate candidates are available for deciding the merit after initial screening is done through 1st Stage CBT.
How many candidates are shortlisted for 2nd Stage CBT for NTPC Exam?
For CEN 01/2019, the 1st stage CBT has been made common for Graduates and 10+2 pass candidates, it has been prescribed in the CEN that candidates20times thenotified vacancies will be called for 2nd Stage CBT so that adequate candidates are given opportunity to appear in 2nd Stage CBT after screening through 1st Stage CBT.
RRBs have shortlisted candidates only 4-5 times of notified vacancies.