Purnia: As the world celebrates Valentine’s Day in Bihar’s Seemanchal district, a 90-year-old man’s undying love for his wife continues 32 years after her death. Bhola Nath Alok, who has been living with his wife’s ashes for 32 years, has requested his family members to perform the last rites of his ashes along with his body when he dies.
At present, he has hung the urn on a mango tree inside his house premises in the Sepoy Tola area of Purnia.
Bhola Nath Alok recalls memories with his wife as he gets emotional and says "One day at night, my wife said, sleep next to me, I want to die married. That time I could not understand why she is talking like this. I replied that it will never happen, both will live together and die together. But when I opened my eyes in the morning, she had said goodbye to the world."
"After my wife's death it's the end of the world for me but I had to live for the girl child. Since then I did not immerse the ashes of my wife and kept it with me for the last 32 years so that after my death both of us can leave this world together. I have told my children to put 'potli' on my chest after I die and cremate it with me. My wife could not live together, but we will get cremated together. If I meet her in the other world, I will tell her that I kept my promise," said Alok, his eyes welling up.