Lucknow:Dara Singh Chauhan, the Forest and Environment Minister who filed his resignation from the Yogi Adityanath led UP cabinet this morning, said that the BJP hasn't done justice to the backward classes in the state. Chauhan was speaking exclusively to ETV Bharat when he further clarified that he had repeatedly raised the issues of the Dalits, farmers and unemployed while in the party, but was neglected.
ETV Bharat Exclusive: Dara Singh Chauhan says his morals didn't align with BJP's conduct "The BJP government was formed in Uttar Pradesh with the blessings of the Dalits and the people belonging to backward classes. But they did not get justice. The youth did not get employment and the farmers too are in a pitiable condition today," he said. Chauhan further clarified that his morals did not align with the injustice being done to these sections of the state, and he has therefore decided to disassociate himself from the Yogi Adityanath cabinet.
On being asked whether he would now join the Samajwadi Party, he said that he has been fortunate enough to represent several parties and serve the people of Uttar Pradesh as a member of the upper house, and therefore he will arrive at a well-informed decision after consulting with the people who had given him that power. He thus implied that no concrete decision has yet been taken on his party associations in the future, while also adding that he cannot comment on the potential decisions that maybe be taken by the other leaders and MLAs in the BJP.
dara singh chauhan said he resigned after hurtign by neglect of backwards in bjp government Meanwhile, Keshav Prasad Maurya - the Deputy CM of Uttar Pradesh took to Twitter to react to the leader's resignation. The tweet said that the decision taken by Dara Singh is not wise and may lead him to failure. Maurya also urged Chauhan to come back to the party, while referring to him as an elder brother.
Also read:UP polls: Maurya to join Samajwadi Party on Friday