New Delhi: Outgoing Chief Justice of India Uday Umesh Lalit turned nostalgic on Monday as he recalled his journey of nearly 37 years in the Supreme Court, saying he enjoyed his stint both as a lawyer and a judge. CJI Lalit, who is set to retire on November 8, was speaking as he sat on the ceremonial bench in the apex court for the last time with his designated successor Justice D Y Chandrachud and Justice Bela M Trivedi this afternoon.
He said it was a great feeling to pass on the baton to the senior-most judge, Justice Chandrachud, as he began his stint in the top court by appearing before his father and16th Chief Justice Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud. "I have spent something like 37 years in this court. My journey in this court began through Court Number 1. I was practising in Bombay and then I came here to mention a case before CJI Y V Chandrachud.
"My journey began from this court and today it ends in the same court. The person before whom I mentioned the matter, he passed on the baton to subsequent Chief Justices. "I now pass the baton to a very distinguished person and the son of that man himself. It is a beautiful occasion for me and I couldn't have asked for anything greater than that," CJI Lalit said.
Referring to forming several Constitution benches, CJI Lalit said it has been a very memorable and satisfactory feeling "to have done something for the Bar". "I feel a judge who gets to be a judge of the Supreme Court would be good enough for everything and he or she must have an equal chance to be part of the Constitution benches.
"The day I started, it was 30, today it is 29 and tomorrow it will be 28 so it is good for anything and thus all of them can be part of Constitution benches. I have practised here and I never saw two Constitution benches sitting simultaneously. "But on a particular day, there were three Constitution benches simultaneously. It is very memorable and gives me a sense of great satisfaction.
"I am a product of this Bar and at the same time, I have a feeling that I was able to do something for the bar. That is a very great feeling as I will be walking out of this court for the last time," CJI said. Justice Chandrachud, who is set to take over as India's 50th CJI, said CJI Lalit has the unique distinction of being called to the senior advocateship by this court and then rising to become an SC judge.
"Today, we have the three generations of the Lalit family here. Father of CJI Lalit, CJI himself and the next generation. CJI Lalit has the unique distinction of being called to the senior advocateship by this court and then becoming an SC judge. Your tenure as Chief Justice saw a large number of reforms. The CJI-designate assured him that there would be a sense of continuity in the reforms adopted by him in the apex court.