New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said enhancing all kinds of connectivity, including in social, digital and financial spheres, with the 10-nation ASEAN grouping is a major priority for India.
He made the remarks at a virtual summit between India and the ASEAN.
"We believe a cohesive and responsive ASEAN is needed for security and growth for all in the region," Modi said.
He also said that there are many similarities between India's 'Indo Pacific Oceans Initiative' and ASEAN's 'Outlook on Indo Pacific'.
"Enhancing every type of connectivity between India and ASEAN -- physical, economic, social, digital, financial, maritime -- is a major priority for us. In the last few years, we have come close to all these areas," he said.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is considered one of the most influential groupings in the region, and India and several other countries including the US, China, Japan and Australia are its dialogue partners.