New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed happiness over the trial run of the Kolkata Metro under the Hooghly River. Kolkata Metro's first rake arrived at the Howrah Maidan and it was operated through a tunnel under the river Hooghly on a trial basis, officials informed on Wednesday. Taking to Twitter, Union Minister for Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw said, "Train travels underwater! Trial run of train through another engineering marvel; metro rail tunnel and station under Hooghly river."
In response to the tweet by Railway Minister Vaishnaw, the Prime Minister tweeted: "Great news for Kolkata and an encouraging trend for public transport in India." "Kolkata Metro created another history on April 12, 2023. After a long wait Country's first Metro has run under the mighty river Hooghly on Wednesday. For the first time in India Metro has completed the river journey," an official statement said.
"This is a historic moment for Metro Railway as after overcoming many hurdles we have succeeded in running rakes beneath the Hooghly River," Kaushik Mitra, the chief public relation officer of Kolkata Metro, said. "This is a revolutionary step in providing a modern transport system to the people of Kolkata and its suburbs. This is indeed a special new year gift from Indian Railways for the people of Bengal," he added.