Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): There is a saying that bigger is better. But eminent sculptor Ganesh Subramaniyam has turned the saying on its head. His nano sculptures need to be viewed either with a microscope or a powerful magnifying glass. His works include the intricate sculpture of the famous 'Anantha Padmanabha Swamy' in a lying position, while Nataraja's sculpture was a unique blend of beauty and precision.
Subramaniyam first sculpted the Anantha Padmanabha Swamy sculpture using gold grains and its size was only 3.5 mm. He sculpted this as a gift to former Travancore King, Uthradam Tirunal Marthandavarma. When Marthandavarma saw the sculpture with the help of a lens, he was highly impressed and asked Ganesh to fix it into an ornament. Ganesh then sculpted a ring, 'Anantha Vijayam' that had a lens to magnify the sculpture inside and gifted it to Marthandavarma.