Mumbai: A special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court here has permitted activist Anand Teltumbde and five others, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist link case, to have a telephonic conversation with family members for three minutes. The accused are currently in judicial custody and lodged at Taloja Jail in Navi Mumbai.
Their plea for making telephonic calls was allowed by special court judge Rajesh J Katariya on Friday. The details were made available on Saturday. The accused are permitted to have a telephonic conversation with their family members for three minutes keeping the speaker on in the presence of escorts, the court said. In a related development, two of the accused activists told the court on Friday that the prosecution had not supplied cloned copies of the electronic devices, seized from them, as directed earlier by the court.
They submitted that the matter is being delayed as copies are not supplied to them. The special public prosecutor submitted that the procedure for preparing clone copies is going on. The court said the prosecution should ensure the clone copies are supplied to the accused persons at the earliest. The concerned officer shall remain present before this court with information on how much time would be required for supplying the clone copies to all the accused, it said.