Mumbai: A special NIA court on Wednesday held that jailed lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj, who has been granted default bail by the Bombay High Court in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, to be released from prison on furnishing a surety of Rs 50,000, but imposed a slew of conditions on her, including not leaving Mumbai without permission and surrendering passport.
The court also asked her not to indulge in any activity "similar to the activities on the basis" of which an FIR has been registered against her for offences under the IPC and the UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act).
Bharadwaj, who is in jail for more than three years, is currently lodged at the Byculla prison in central Mumbai.
As per her lawyer, she will be released from the prison on Thursday morning as bail formalities could not be completed before the deadline of 5 pm on Wednesday.
The Supreme Court had on Tuesday dismissed the National Investigation Agency (NIA)'s appeal challenging the Bombay High Court order granting her bail.
On December 1, the high court had allowed Bharadwaj's plea seeking default bail in the case. It had, however, directed the special NIA court, which is hearing the case, to decide her bail conditions and release date.
Accordingly, the activist was produced before special judge D E Kothalikar, who set the conditions for her release.
As the proceedings began on Wednesday, Bharadwaj's lawyer Yug Chaudhary insisted on low bail amount, saying she won't abscond.
He also urged the court to allow her to move between Mumbai and Chhattisgarh, where she is a practising lawyer.
Also Read:HC: Elgar case accused Varavara Rao needn't surrender till Dec 2
However, the special court ruled the accused cannot leave the city without its permission.
The accused shall reside in jurisdiction of this court, the judge said.
The court held that Bharadwaj be released on furnishing a personal bond of Rs 50,000 with one or more solvent sureties of the same amount.
It also directed the accused to inform investigating agency NIA as well as the court about her place of residence, contact number and contact of at least three blood relatives.