New Delhi:Amid Opposition staging a walk out, the Election Law (Amendment) Bill 2021 was passed by the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. The Bill was opposed by Congress and other opposition parties in the Lok Sabha session earlier. It was, however, passed in the Lok Sabha on Monday despite the opposition. The Bill chiefly proposes to link the voter ID card with the Aadhaar card to prevent duplication and bogus voting.
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday gave its approval to the draft of this Bill suggesting electoral reforms. According to the Bill, the election law will be made gender neutral for military voters. Under the provisions of the current electoral law, the wife of a serviceman is eligible to register as a military voter but the husband of a female serviceman is not eligible. The bill proposes to inculcate gender neutrality in this regard.
The Objects and Reasons of the Bill state that electoral reforms are a continuous process, and therefore the Central government is receiving proposals for electoral reforms from time to time from various sectors, including the Election Commission. Based on the proposals of the Election Commission, it is suggested to amend the provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Accordingly, the Election Law Amendment Bill 2021 has been proposed.
An insight into the bill's proposals
The Bill proposes the amendment of section 23 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 with a view to link the electoral roll data with the Aadhaar system, in order to control the evils of multiple enrollment of the same person at different locations.
In addition, it also seeks to amend clause (b) of section 14 of the RP Act, 1950 specifying the 1st day of January, 1st day of April, 1st day of July and 1st day of October in any calendar year as qualifying dates for the preparation or revision of electoral rolls.