New Delhi:The body of a 77-year-old builder with his throat slit and multiple stab injuries was found at his residence in North Delhi's Civil Lines area early on Sunday, police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Sagar Singh Kalsi said the post-mortem report confirmed that three stab injuries on his abdomen and one on his back led to his death.
Some cardboard boxes containing cash were also found missing from the house, the police said, suspecting that the robbery could be the motive behind the killing. Deceased Ram Kishore Agrawal used to live on the ground floor of his two-storey house while his son and the other family members lived on the first floor. His wife died last year due to COVID-19. The family has at least four domestic helps staying with them, the police said.
"At 6.52 am on May 1, a PCR call was received at the Civil Lines police station from a person informing about the death if his father. He told the police that his father's throat had been slit and he had been taken to hospital," Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Sagar Singh Kalsi said. Agrawal was declared brought dead at the hospital, he added. During investigation, a security guard told the police that he had spotted two people trying to flee from the house in the early morning hours, the DCP said.