Mumbai:Shiv Sena's rebel MLA Eknath Shinde and BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis reportedly had a secret meeting in Gujarat late at night on Friday amid the heavy political drama in play in Maharashtra. Shinde flew from Guwahati to Vadodara alone on a special flight at midnight, laying grounds for speculations that the two may have discussed the way to go forward for the establishment of power in Maharashtra. Some sources have also hinted that the two may meet again for another discussion soon this week.
Shinde flew back soon after to Guwahati where 40 of the rebel MLAs in his camp are holed up, whereas Fadnavis returned to Maharashtra. Shinde was missing from the hotel in Guwahati for at least four hours, implying that the held meeting lasted for a brief period of time before the leaders flew back to their respective resorts. Sources have confirmed that Union Home Minister Amit Shah was also in Vadodara last night.
Also read:Maha crisis far from over; Sena talks tough, passes resolutions: 10 points
Shinde had on Thursday claimed that "a big national party" has supported his decision (of revolting against the Shiv Sena), subtly hinting at backing from the centre-ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). However, the BJP had chucked any such speculations with Union Minister Raosaheb Patil Danve deeming the matter as 'Shiv Sena's internal problem' and BJP Maharashtra chief Chandrakant Patil asserting that his party 'did not play any role in the ongoing political crisis in the state'.
With the upheaval catching newer and deeper hues each passing day, the Shinde favouring rebel group recently declared themselves as the 'Shiv Sena (Balasaheb)' party, suggesting they have not yet left the Sena. Raising objections against the name of Balasaheb Thackeray being 'misused', Shiv Sena warned of legal repercussions against whoever uses it for political gains. Meanwhile, the Deputy Speaker of the Maharashtra Assembly issued a disqualification notice to 16 rebel Shiv Sena MLAs seeking written replies from them by June 27.
Also read:Shinde assures 'backing of national party' to rebel MLAs, 'national party' denies