Pune:In two separate incidents, eight persons were drowned in the Pune district of Maharashtra on Thursday. Whereas in the first incident, four women drowned and another woman went missing in the backwaters of the Bhatghar dam at Bhor tehsil in the Pune district of Maharashtra on Thursday. The search was on for the missing woman, police said.
Eight persons, including women, schoolchildren, drown in reservoir in Pune district
In two separate incidents, eight persons were drowned in Pune district of Maharashtra on Thursday. Four schoolchildren belonging to Sahyadri residential school, located near Chasakman dam in Khed tehsil, drowned in the backwater of the dam, police said.
The woman had gone to Naregaon village in the district to attend a family function and went for a swim in the backwaters of the Bhatghar dam in the evening, said an official of the Pune rural police. "So far, the bodies of four women, aged between 19 and 23 years, have been fished out while the search is on for a 20-year-old woman," he said. In the second incident, four Class X students drowned in Chasakman reservoir in Khed tehsil of Pune, officials said. The four schoolchildren belonging to Sahyadri residential school, located near Chasakman dam, had gone there for swimming, police said.