Hyderabad : The TSPSC paper leak has taken a new twist with the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials summoning its two officials, sources said. The Central agency has taken serious note of the question paper leak case relating to the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) and intensified its probe to nab the culprits.
The ED has asked the TSPSC officials to appear for questioning for two days on Wednesday and Thursday. The agency has focused its attention on TSPSC confidential section officer Shankara Lakshmi and another officer Satyanarayana. Both of them are summoned now. The agency officials have also asked the SIT of the Hyderabad Police to provide documents relating to the case. The SIT has already arrested several accused including the two officials of the TSPSC who the ED summoned.
As part of its investigation, the ED has also approached the court here seeking its permission to question the TSPSC officials who are in jail as of now. The paper leak case pertains to the data breach in the TSPSC over which the Special Investigation Team of the Hyderabad Police has already recorded the statement of the TSPSC chairman.