Mumbai: Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday submitted around 5000-page chargesheet against NCP leader and Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik in the Special PMLA court, in connection with a money laundering case. Statements of more than 50 people have been recorded, according to the chargesheet. ED said in the chargesheet that the agency summoned sons of Malik several times and his brother Kaptan Malik was also summoned however, they did not cooperate in the investigation and skipped the summons.
Earlier last week, ED attached properties belonging to Malik and his family under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. The Supreme Court on Friday will hear a plea of Maharashtra Minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik filed against an order of the Bombay High Court which had rejected his interim application seeking immediate release in a case of money laundering being investigated by the Enforcement Directorate.
Also read:Court extends Maha minister Nawab Malik's judicial custody till April 22