New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday conducted searches at various locations in Chennai and other places in the case of known 'conman' Sukesh Chandrasekhar and seized a sea-facing bungalow, various luxurious cars, Rs 82.50 lakh and 24 carats gold bar weighing 2 kilograms. Chandrasekhar's sea-facing luxurious bungalow in Chennai is no less than a resort and have various luxury cars including BMW, Range Rover, Mercedes.
The Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR) was recorded on the basis of FIR against unknown persons under various offences related to criminal conspiracy, cheating, extortion of money to the tune of Rs 200 crore approximately registered by the Special Cell of Delhi Police in 2017. Investigation under Prevention of Money Laundering (PMLA) case revealed that Chandrasekhar is the mastermind of this fraud, said the ED in a statement, adding the conman has been part of the crime world since the age of 17.
The ED said that Chandrasekhar has multiple FIRs against him and is presently lodged in Rohini Jail. Despite being lodged in jail, the agency said, Chandrashekhar did not stop conning people. "He (with a cellphone procured illegally in the prisons) with the help of technology, made spoofed calls to dupe people as the numbers displayed on the called party's phone number were belonging to senior Government officers and he while speaking(from the prisons) to these persons, claimed to be government officer offering to help people for a price of course."
Chandrasekhar has extorted money to the tune of Rs 200 crore in this manner, said the ED. Accordingly, the agency said, searches were conducted under PMLA at the premises of middlemen, one banker and associates of Chandrasekhar. The banker, Komal Poddar, Vice President, RBL Bank was working as a conduit for the transfer of funds to Sukesh and has also cheated the complainant.
Also read: Conman lodged in Rohini Jail allegedly extorts Rs 200 Cr from businessman's wife