Hyderabad:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday conducted raids at eight places in Hyderabad belonging to two suspects —Praveen Chikoti in Saifabad and Madhav Reddy from Bowenpally — and one place in Andhra Pradesh, and reportedly unearthed several instances of violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
According to ED sources, Chikoti and Madhav Reddy are involved in ‘All In’ Casino Vegas by Big Daddy at Hotel Mechi Crown Jhapa in Nepal where they organize high-stakes gambling for Indians who prefer to indulge in the safety of a neighboring country.
According to the sources, Praveen and Madhav Reddy facilitate the transfer of the stakes at the casino, running into lakhs of rupees, through hawala channels, thus allegedly violating FEMA rules. The sources said that the duo had utilized the services of some agents to attract customers and take them to Nepal. The agents reportedly charge Rs 3 lakh per head for a four-day package which includes flight charges, food, hotel stay, drinks, and entertainment.