New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday questioned senior Congress leader Pawan Kumar Bansal in a money laundering case related to the National Herald newspaper, officials said. On Monday, the probe agency had summoned party veteran Mallikarjun Kharge in the matter. In 2012, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy filed a complaint before the trial court.
In the complaint, Swamy had alleged that Congress leaders were involved in cheating and breach of trust in the acquisition of Associated Journals Ltd (AJL) by Young Indian Pvt Ltd (YIL), as assets worth crores of rupees had been transferred to YIL. The allegations also said that YIL, which had Congress president Sonia Gandhi and then vice president Rahul Gandhi on its board of directors, had “taken over” the defunct newspaper and assets worth over Rs 2,000 crore, in a “malicious” manner to gain profit.