New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday recorded the statement of RJD chief Lalu Prasad's daughter Ragini Yadav in a money laundering case linked to the alleged land-for-jobs in railways scam, sources said. Ragini Yadav deposed before the agency for questioning and her statement was recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The agency had raided the premises of Ragini Yadav, her sisters Chanda Yadav and Hema Yadav, and former RJD MLA Abu Dojana in Patna, Phulwari Sharif, Delhi-NCR, Ranchi and Mumbai in March this year.
The ED had on Monday questioned and recorded the statement of Ragini Yadav's brother and Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav in this case. A third child of Lalu Prasad, RJD MP Misa Bharti, was also questioned by the ED in this case on March 25, the same day Tejashwi Yadav had deposed before the CBI.
Both the central agencies recently initiated action in the case, with the CBI questioning Lalu Prasad and his wife and former Bihar chief minister Rabri Devi and the ED carrying out raids against the RJD chief's family. The ED, after the searches, said it seized "unaccounted cash" of Rs 1 crore and detected proceeds of crime worth Rs 600 crore. It said the investigation was underway to unearth more investments made on behalf of Prasad's family and their associates in various sectors, including real estate, at various places.