New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested advertising professional Rajesh Joshi in connection with its money laundering investigation into alleged irregularities in the Delhi excise policy, officials said Thursday. Joshi was placed under arrest under the sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and his links with regard to the alleged diversion of 'kickbacks' for the Goa assembly polls of last year are under the scanner of the agency, they said.
The ED has alleged in a charge sheet submitted to the court that a part of the alleged Rs 100 crore "kickbacks" generated in the scrapped Delhi excise policy were "used" in the 2022 Goa assembly election campaign of the CM Arvind Kejriwal-led party. The ED, till now, has filed two charge sheets or prosecution complaints in this case and has arrested a total of eight people, including Joshi.