Mumbai:The ED has issued fresh summons to former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh to appear before it on Wednesday in connection with a money laundering case probe against him and others, official sources said on Tuesday. The development comes a day after the Supreme Court refused interim protection to the 71-year-old NCP politician from any coercive action by the federal agency. Deshmukh, sources said, had been asked to depose before the investigating officer of the case on August 18 at the ED office located in south Mumbai.
This is the fifth such summon notice to Deshmukh. It has been issued under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) as the agency wants to further record his statement in this case, the sources said. Deshmukh had skipped the last such appearances for questioning in the case, calling the ED action unjustified. His son Hrishikesh and wife too were summoned and they also did not appear. Deshmukh has last month issued a video statement stating that he would appear before the ED "after" the apex court's decision on his petition.