Bengaluru:The ED has initiated a probe against a Chinese "controlled" mobile app that allegedly duped a number of youngsters in lieu of providing them part-time jobs that included "liking" and uploading celebrity videos on social media platforms. The federal agency said on Monday it has raided at least 12 entities in Bengaluru that are linked to the app -- 'Keepsharer' -- following which it seized funds worth Rs 5.85 crore.
The probe found that "gullible public, mostly youth, were cheated by some Chinese persons through a mobile app namely Keepsharer which promised them to give part-time job and collected money from them", the Enforcement Directorate (ED) said in a statement. The Chinese formed companies here and recruited several Indians as directors, translators (Mandarin to English and vice-versa), HR managers and tele-callers, the ED said.
"They obtained the documents of Indians and opened bank accounts. The accused Chinese persons developed the app and started its advertisement through WhatsApp and Telegram. "This app was linked with an investment app and for registration on the former, they collected money from the youth," the ED said.