New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday said it has filed a charge sheet under the anti-money laundering law in a case related to alleged fraudulent sale of a Waqf property worth over Rs 10 crore in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow. A special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court in Lucknow took cognisance of the prosecution complaint, the ED's equivalent of a charge sheet, on Tuesday, the agency said.
ED files charge sheet in fraudulent Lucknow Waqf property sale case
The agency said Mohd. Mustafa Khan is the "main accused" in this case. He was arrested by the ED in August and is currently in judicial custody.
Published : Nov 1, 2023, 6:19 PM IST
In a statement, the ED said its case stems from a Lucknow police FIR registered against some accused identified as Mohd. Mustafa Khan, Saqib Khan and Anush Faridi. They were charged by the police with alleged fraudulent sale of a Waqf property situated at No.3/1, New Berry Road in Lucknow and valued at Rs 10.92 crore, it said.
The agency said Mohd. Mustafa Khan is the "main accused" in this case. He was arrested by the ED in August and is currently in judicial custody. During the probe, the ED said, it was found that the said Waqf property was "fraudulently" converted as non-Waqf,... regularised from Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) and sold to some private person".