Lucknow: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials have been conducting raids at several places in connection with Divyang SC and ST scholarship bungling case on Thursday. These raids are being conducted at several medical institutions located in about 15 cities, including Lucknow, Sitapur and Farrukhabad in Uttar Pradesh.
Residential premises of Dr Om Prakash Gupta, a physician based in Farrukhabad, was also part of the raid. ED officials also raided at HYGIA Institute in Lucknow, which is owned by Lucky Jaffrey. In 2017, the Divyang ST and SC scholarship scam came to light a probe was ordered into the issue.
The Vigilance Department took up the investigation of the issue after registering an FIR. Later, the case was taken up by the ED for further probe as their preliminary inquiry suggested possibilities of money laundering. After the registration of the case against the medical colleges charged under the scam, the ED had issued notices to these medical institutions.