New Delhi:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached properties worth Rs 6.88 crore of Rayilung Nsarangbe, a self-styled Colonel of National Socialist Council of Nagaland-IM (NSCN-IM), his wife Ruth Chawang and Apam Muviah, secretary to Kilonser in connection with the money laundering probe involving the terror group. An ED official here said that the agency has attached movable properties amounting to Rs 6.88 crore in the form of bank balances, mutual funds, insurance products etc, in the name of Nsarangbe, his wife Chawang and Muivah under PMLA.
The official said that during investigation it was found that the in-charges of four administrative districts of Manipur -- Tamenglong, Senapati, Ukhrul and Chandel, were reporting to Nsarangbe, as he was the Treasurer of "the Collective Leadership". "The district representatives were submitting the extorted money along with the details of the collection made by them from various economic activities to Nsarangbe," he said.
The official said that it was also revealed that the huge amount of extortion collected in the form of illegal "tax", was being directly collected by Nsarangbe. "Major part of the extortion amount was being utilised as per the direction of the Collective Leadership and part of it, was being deposited in the bank accounts maintained in the name of Nsarangbe, his wife and Muivah," the official said.