Mumbai:The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday allowed dismissed Mumbai Police officer Sachin Waze to become an approver in the money laundering case involving the former state Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. The court is scheduled to conduct the hearing on Thursday with Waze as witness. Waze had filed a petition in the special PMLA court on May 25 to become an approver, to which the ED filed its reply and allowed him to turn approver. The hearing is to be held in the court tomorrow.
Anil Deshmukh's problems increase: ED allows Sachin Waze's plea to become approver
The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday allowed dismissed Mumbai Police officer Sachin Waze to become an approver in the money laundering case involving the former state Home Minister Anil Deshmukh.
Waze has also been approved by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for becoming a witness in another case of corruption involving Deshmukh. Both Deshmukh and Waze are in judicial custody in separate cases by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED), respectively. NIA arrested Waze in March in connection with the investigation into the recovery of explosives from a car parked near Mukesh Ambani's house in Mumbai. Waze is the prime accused of placing an explosives-laden vehicle near Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani's house Antilia in Mumbai on February 25.
Deshmukh was arrested on November 1 in connection with extortion and money laundering allegations levelled against him by the former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh. In a letter to CM Thackeray in March last year, Singh had alleged that Deshmukh was involved in several wrongdoings, including asking Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore from bars and restaurants in Mumbai. (ANI)