New Delhi: The Election Commission of India on Thursday organised a conference with the Chief Electoral Officers of all States/UTs in the national capital. The two day conference is organised to share experiences and learnings from recently held State Assembly Elections in five states along with thematic discussions on election planning, Expenditure monitoring, Electoral Roll, IT Applications, Data Management, timely resolution of grievances, media and communication.
While addressing, Chief election commission Sushil Chandra said that such conferences are an excellent platform for sharing experiences and learning from each other. While complimenting the Chief Electoral Officers, he added that these five states' elections conducted amidst the pandemic were exemplary and had no previous examples or references. The extraordinary circumstances demanded extraordinary solutions from banning physical rallies, promoting digital campaigning and weekly reviewing the situation with critical stakeholders.
He stressed on the need to continuously upgrade the services for voters through the entire election process, right from registration to voting. Elaborating further, he mentioned that CEOs are the face of the Election Commission of India in the States and should ensure that they are accessible and visible to all stakeholders. While narrating instances, he urged CEOs to provide regular feedback to the ECI for systemic improvements and improvising voter facilitation. He urged CEOs to strengthen their outreach and communication to showcase their best practices and innovations in election management to the world.
Apart from this, he congratulated Rajiv Kumar, who has been appointed as new Chief Election Commissioner. He wished election commission of India attains greater heights under his leadership. Election Commissioner and Chief Election Commissioner designate Rajiv Kumar while interacting with the Chief Electoral Officers said that with the mandate provided by the Constitution, ECI has developed extremely robust internal mechanisms and practices to ensure that elections are conducted in a free, fair, accessible and participative manner for each and every voter.
With a legacy of the past seven decades, ECI has established exemplary vibrant and transparent processes for other democracies. While narrating his experiences of conducting elections for the first time amidst the pandemic in Bihar till the recently held Assembly Elections in the five states, he mentioned that the journey has been full of challenges and learnings.
He added that the unprecedented situation demanded dynamic decision making and pre-empting the misinformed narratives. He urged CEOs to carry forward the journey of reforms initiated during the tenure of Chandra for further streamlining the election processes. During his address Kumar added that while technology has been leveraged in a big way to enhance the accessibility and transparency of the election system, ECI has streamlined the entire IT infrastructure with focus on three critical stakeholders, namely voters, political parties and election management functionaries. He urged CEOs to strengthen their IT systems including training of the IT personnel for adapting to the latest advancements.