Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh):The Union Railways Ministry on Tuesday sacked a Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) for urinating on the head of a sleeping woman in the Akal Takht Express on Sunday night. In a grim reminder of the AI pee-gate case, the TTE identified as Munna Kumar, carried the alleged deed under the influence of alcohol. He was immediately detained after the victim woman, who was travelling with her husband from Kolkata to Amritsar, raised an alarm and reached out to the GRP.
Sharing the statement of removal of service of the accused from the Railways on Twitter, Union Railways Minister Ashwani Vaishnav wrote "Zero tolerance. Removal from service with immediate effect" in the caption. "The conduct showing disrespect to women construes a serious misconduct, in the process bringing disrepute not only to your own self but entire railways as an organisation," the northern railway said in a letter to the man.
"I hereby deem it fit to impose the punishment of "REMOVAL FROM SERVICE WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT" for behaviour unbecoming of a railway servant," the statement read.
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The incident happened near midnight when the woman in the A-1 coach of the train raised an alarm that the TTE has urinated on her head. People gathered in the coupe and the husband of the woman managed to grab the TT and hand him over to the Government Railway Police (GRP) of Charbagh Railway Police in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. Witnesses claim that the accused was drunk at the time of the incident.
This is not the first time this kind of incident happened. A few months ago, a similar incident occurred on a flight where a man who was intoxicated allegedly urinated on the woman seated next to him. The accused, Shankar Mishra, an Indian working in America, was detained and given a four-month ban from flying on Air India aircraft.
Another recent incident involved a drunk man who urinated on a passenger sitting next to him on an American Airlines trip from New York to Delhi. Following the incident, the traveller was arrested at IGI Airport. These incidents are disturbing and shameful, and steps need to be taken to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. (With Agency inputs)
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