Mumbai: A special NDPS court here on Thursday granted interim bail to Siddharth Pithani, a former roommate of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput and an accused in a drug case, for his wedding scheduled on June 26. Pithani, currently in judicial custody, was arrested by the NCB from Hyderabad on May 28 in the drug case linked to Rajput's death last year. Last week, among other grounds for seeking bail, the accused had told the court that he is getting married on June 26.
However, Pithani later withdrew his bail application and pleaded for interim bail for his wedding. Special judge V V Vidwans granted him interim plea till July 2. Pithani was arrested on charges of procuring and helping Rajput get narcotics substances under section 27-A of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act which deals with financing illicit traffic and harbouring offenders, the NCB had said.
Rajput was found dead in his home in suburban Bandra on June 14 last year. Following the actor's death, the NCB began a probe into alleged drug use in the film industry based on some WhatsApp chats.