New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday said accepting the new privacy policy of social messaging app WhatsApp was a "voluntary" thing and one can choose not to use or join that platform if one did not agree with its terms and conditions.
"It is a private app. Don't join it. It is a voluntary thing, don't accept it. Use some other app," Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva said to the petitioner, a lawyer, who has challenged WhatsApp's new privacy policy which was slated to come into effect in February but has been deferred till May.
The court also said that if the terms and conditions of most mobile apps are read, "you would be surprised as to what all you are consenting to".
"Even Google maps captures all your data and stores it," the court said.
The court further said it could not understand what data would be leaked according to the petitioner and since the issue requires consideration, it will be listed on January 25 due to paucity of time on Monday.
The central government also agreed with the court that the issue needs to be analysed.
Read:Delhi High Court to hear plea against WhatsApp’s new privacy policy today