Hyderabad: "We should always remember our mother tongue and culture irrespective of where we are staying," said Chief Justice of India (CJI) Justice NV Ramana. The CJI and his wife Shivamala participated in the 'Meet and Greet' event organised by the Telugu community in Washington DC. Speaking on the occasion, the CJI said, "Even if you have left your hometown and people, he suggested visiting the motherland whenever possible." He asked to work for the promotion of cultural institutions. "We must preserve the mother tongue and culture." He narrated an incident that took place in the Supreme Court.
Don't forget roots and mother tongue, says CJI NV Ramana in Washington
The CJI said that one must speak in their mother tongue when at home. "We must always remember our mother tongue, culture and mother."
"When I went to the Supreme Court the nameplate in my bungalow was put up in Hindi and English. I asked them that I wanted my name plate to be Telugu.. they said it's not possible. I reiterated that I would not compromise in the matter of my mother tongue. Then the nameplate of my bungalow was changed to Telugu as well English".
The CJI said that one must speak in their mother tongue when at home. "We must always remember our mother tongue, culture and mother." 'Sataka Sahityam' should be downloaded and make children read it. 'Pedda Bala Shiksha' must be there in everybody's house. "It is mandatory to teach Telugu, along with English. When children speak Telugu they make mistakes, but do not get angry with them instead teach them when they make mistakes then only they will learn," he pointed out.