Hyderabad:Whatever happens in Mukesh Ambani's house is special. Recently, the Ambani family organised a grand party to mark the opening of Reliance Foundation Chairperson Nita Ambani's dream project 'The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC). The family hosted a dinner for political, film and sports personalities. However, a photo of a special dessert that was served to the guests went viral on social media. Though the sweet is quite popular in north India, it caught the attention of the netizens as sweet meat was served accompanied by currency notes. Everyone was puzzled why currency notes were put on the plate when it was served to the guests.
The news came to light when some netizens posted photos of the dinner at Ambani's party on social media. It is a photo of the dessert ready to be served to the guests. A leaf is put in a bowl and sweets are placed on it and currency notes are kept next to it. But a proper look reveals that they are not real currency notes. That dessert is 'Daulat ki chaat', which is very popular in Delhi.
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