New Delhi: A 37-year-old man stabbed his wife, daughter and mother-in-law over marital discord in east Delhi's Mayur Vihar, police said. Accused Siddharth is an engineer and he worked as a technical support associate in Gurugram. He has been arrested, a police officer said on Sunday. The injured -- Aditi Sharma (37), her eight-year-old daughter and mother Maya Devi (60) -- were admitted to the Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Vasundhara Enclave, police said.
Man stabs wife, daughter, mother-in-law over marital discord
The injured Aditi Sharma, her eight-year-old daughter and mother Maya Devi were admitted to the Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Vasundhara Enclave, police said.
Man stabs wife
Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Priyanka Kashyap said, prima facie, marital discord is believed to be the reason behind the attack. The couple was engaged in legal battles in civil and family courts. A case under appropriate sections of law is being registered, Kashyap said. (PTI)