Lucknow:In a fresh development in the major terror attack foiled by Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad, the cops arrested five suspected terrorists who were found to have made the bomb through 'Do It Yourself' module. Additional Director General of Police Prashant Kumar said suspects made the bombs with their own money. Apart from that, attempts were also made to create bombs and fruit bombs from e-rickshaw's battery.
ADG also said that all the accused were connected with Al-Qaeda through the internet and contacted Umar-Al-Mandi. At the behest of Umar-Al-Mandi, both of them successfully made the bombs and the target was being planned. Interrogation revealed that pressure cooker bomb was made with a meagre Rs 3,000.
Also read:Uttar Pradesh ATS arrests two Al Qaeda terrorists from Kakori
Kumar also added that Umar has been recruiting and radicalising Indians. 'Ansar Ghazwatul Hind' module of Al Qaeda has been claimed to have organized to carry out attacks here.
ADG also added that prominent members of the module in Lucknow include Minhaj from Kakori, Mashiruddin alias Musheer, resident of Madianv, Shakeel from Wazirganj, Mustakim resident of Muzaffarnagar and Mohammad Mueed, a resident of New Haiderganj. Further, he said, these members were conspiring an attack in Uttar Pradesh before Bakrid and August 15.
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Raising alarm, ADG also added that all of them were plotting to be human bombs and weapons, explosives were being fetched for the same. Minhaj Ahmed, Maseeruddin alias Musheer and Shakeel led the team in planning. Tracking mobile phones and e-mails revealed that 178 calls were made in seven days and 16 e-mails were sent by the trio between July 4 and 10.
Two suspected terrorists were arrested by ATS on July 11 from a house in Ring Road area in Kakori. Two pressure-cooker bombs, a semi-manufactured time bomb and six to seven kilograms of explosives were recovered from the spot.
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