New Delhi: The Centre on Thursday said the districts having less than five percent Covid positivity rate can move in the direction of reopening schools but it is up to the state governments to take a call in this regard.
Noting that the pandemic situation has improved and there has been a consistent decline in new COVID-19 cases, Niti Ayog Member (Health) V K Paul said we have more confidence now to go in the direction of reopening schools.
Ministry of Education (MoE) officials said schools are completely open in 11 states while they are reopened for mostly higher classes in 16 states. They said following the "extensive" vaccination coverage, the ministry had in December revised the guidelines issued to state for reopening of schools.
Schools continue to remain completely closed in nine states, officials said, adding that all the states have vaccinated at least 95 per cent of the teaching and non-teaching staff, while few states have achieved 100 percent vaccination coverage for them.
"The pandemic situation has improved. There are states and districts of concern, but overall there is a contraction in the spread of infection which is heartening. There are 268 districts where the positivity is below 5 per cent. And clearly, these districts can move in the direction of non-COVID care and also in the direction of other economic activities as well as school reopening," Paul said at a press conference.
"The decision for reopening schools rests with the state governments, by the district administrations. But the broad issue is that we would still like to ensure that schools are opened and schools are run, according to protocols, standard operating procedures because we are still in the midst of the pandemic.
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"By implementing SOPs, we can ensure safe conduct of schools, make physical learning possible, school activities, which lead to interaction development, possible. Teachers can feel safe because now in any case, as they are vaccine protected. So following the SOPs is the essence of the guidelines that the Union government has been issuing. And we believe these guidelines are adapted, these are considered directly by the state governments and decisions are taken for opening the schools," he added.