Bhopal: Digvijay Singh, the Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP, has again attacked the Centre on his Twitter account. He has urged the seers of the country to come forward and demand accountability in the Ram Mandir land row. He also urged the seers and religious groups in the country to demand the ouster of the Ram Mandir trust board and hand over the construction of Ram Mandir to honest people.
He also slammed the RSS, BJP and Home Minister Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The former Madhya Pradesh CM also thanked Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra for highlighting and giving statements on this issue.
Also Read:Ram Mandir Trust issues another clarification
Priyanka Gandhi on Wednesday wrote on social media that according to reports, Shri Ram Mandir Nirman Trust has indulged in the wrongful purchase of land. The Supreme Court should get the entire scam investigated under its supervision. She further alleged that on March 18, 2021, two people buy the concerned land in Ayodhya for 2 crores. This land was brought by the temple trust after 5 minutes for 18.5 crores. The price of land increased at the rate of Rs 5.5 lakh per second.
Also Read:Priyanka Gandhi posts lengthy note alleging scam in purchase of Ram Temple land
She further added that the money that was used to purchase the land by the Temple trust was given by the people of India in the form of donations and offerings for the construction of the temple.
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