Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan tampered with Rahul Gandhi's Mandsaur speech and thereafter Chouhan circulated the 'fabricated' version of the latter's speech through his social media handle. Hence, by doing so, MP CM Chouhan has entered into a 'criminal conspiracy. MP CM Chouhan had posted the 'doctored' speech of Rahul Gandhi on his Twitter handle on May 16, 2019, which was a criminal act of the former, stated the letter.
Digvijay Singh urges Bhopal police chief to book CM Chouhan for sharing 'doctored video'
Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh has shot off a letter to the Bhopal police commissioner informing that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had tampered with the speech of then Congress president Rahul Gandhi while the latter was addressing at Mandsaur.
Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh further mentioned in the letter that "A senior leader as well as holding the post of MP chief ministership for four times, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, had tampered with then Congress president Rahul Gandhi's speech at Mandsaur. Apart from this, Chouhan also made the fabricated video of a senior leader's speech belonging to Chhattisgarh. Shivraj Singh made a mockery of then Congress president and Member of Parliament (MP) Rahul Gandhi as well senior leader Hukum Singh Karada who belongs to the backward class. By circulating the false and fabricated videos, Chouhan had done serious damage to the social reputations of both the leaders. A pen drive carrying the original speech has been attached with the letter. Chouhan's uploaded and fabricated videos could been seen on his Twitter handle."
The former MP Chief Minister further said, "People holding constitutional posts doing such things will come under the purview of a criminal act. The law is equal for all either for the common man or those sitting on CM's chair. The case was lodged in the matter with the police station concerned. Now, the case must be registered against CM Chouhan under IT Act and Cyberlaw as well as relevant sections of the IPC."