Mumbai: After a Scorpio car carrying gelatin sticks was found near Mukesh Ambani's house Antilia building in Mumbai, reports circulating on social media claimed that Jaish-ul-Hind had claimed responsibility for the incident. Jaish-ul-Hind, however, has come forward and clarified that no threat was made to Mukesh Ambani by the organization.
A statement issued by Jaish-ul-Hind said, "a viral post was circulating on social media that Jaish-ul-Hind had threatened industrialist Mukesh Ambani demanding ransom. We have nothing to do with this incident and we have not made any threat to Mukesh Ambani."
Jaish-ul-Hind has said that it has nothing to do with the incident and has nothing to do with the posters and links circulated on the telegram.