Mumbai:Shiv Sena on Monday slammed BJP-led Central government for changing the name of the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, India's highest sporting honour, to Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award and accused it of indulging in "political games" with "revenge and malice". "Major Dhyan Chand could have been honoured without insulting the sacrifice of Rajiv Gandhi. Hindustan has lost that tradition and culture. Today Dhyan Chand must be feeling the same way," it added.
Through its mouthpiece Saamana, Shiv Sena pointed out that an award in the name of the hockey legend already exists and said Major Dhyan Chand could have been honoured without insulting the "sacrifice" of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Shiv Sena said that at a time when the country is celebrating the "golden moment" in the field of sports due to India's performance in the Tokyo Olympics, "the Central government played a political game. Due to this political game, the many hearts are hurt."
"Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award has been renamed as Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award... Many great players have been given this award till now. But it does not appear that any of them must have said that this award in the name of Rajiv Gandhi is not wanted." The party raised questions on the government's claim about the name change being motivated by "public sentiment," but added that it is pointless to dispute the claim because Congress also indulged in similar politics during its tenure in power.
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"Amit Shah says, conferring the country's highest sporting honour Khel Ratna award in the name of the greatest sportsperson, Major Dhyan Chand, this is a real tribute to him. Everyone associated with sports world must have swelled with pride. Shah's statement is 100 per cent correct. It is pointless to dispute what he said and did directly, because in the last 70 years the Congress government has washed and cleaned whatever Nehru, Gandhi, Rao, Manmohan, Morarji, Deve Gowda, Gujral, Chandrashekhar did. If such a person has a role to play in running the national policy or state, then there is no use in banging his head," Saamna said.
However, the editorial added that "the government cannot be run with the spirit of revenge, malice, this is also a public sentiment and that feeling should also be taken care of."
Shiv Sena noted that the Indian hockey team got a medal in Tokyo Olympics after 41 years, and it is a joy to the whole countrymen. "This medal is of hockey and Major Dhyan Chand is considered to be the uncrowned king of hockey. Once upon a time, there was a golden age of hockey and Dhyan Chand was the hero of that golden age...The 'Dhyan Chand Lifetime Achievement Award' is given in his name. Dhyan Chand's game had fascinated many," said Saamana adding the names of sporting legends like Milkha Singh, Dhyan Chand which the country could never forget.