Baghpat: A heavy police force has been deployed by the UP police outside the Baghpat Ashram in Uttar Pradesh's Baghpat to avoid any untoward incident keeping in view the stay of the Dera chief Ram Rahim in the ashram. After the murder of Dera devotee, Pradeep Kumar alias Raju on Thursday in Punjab's Faridkot, the Baghpat police have increased the security of Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim.
Gurmeet Ram Rahim, head of Barnawa Dera Sacha Sauda Ashram, is serving a sentence for rape and murder in Rohtak's Sunaria Jail. He has been granted parole for 40 days and during this period, he will be staying at Barnawa's ashram. Keeping in view the stay at the ashram, the Uttar Pradesh Police has increased the security of Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim.
Also read:HC lawyer sends notice to Haryana over parole to self-styled godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim
Speaking about the heavy police force deployment outside the ashram, a servant at the camp informed "searches are also being conducted on suspicious persons". Apart from this, "the crowd is also not allowed to gather around the ashram". The priority of the police is to prevent any untoward incident.
Informing about the course of the event at the Dera Sacha Barnawa ashram, a female attendant said that continuous checking of the serviceman is being done. The IDs of regular visitors, as well as Sevadars are being checked. Sevadars are being changed shift wise and a shift not lasting more than three hours is being followed. Detectors have been deployed as well for a full-body scan and mobile phones are not being allowed inside the ashram. (With Agency Inputs)