Junagadh: India's first Natural Plastic Café, which was launched in Junagadh on June 30, completed one month. The Junagadh district administration took this initiative to contain the ever-increasing plastic pollution through the country's first Natural Plastic Café. In one month, as many as 61 people deposited their plastic bottles and other plastic materials in the Natural Plastic Café and enjoyed cold drinks and snacks in return. This type of Natural Plastic Café is helping to remove plastic pollution from Junagadh city and customers, who visited the café opined that this type of café should be launched across the country.
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Junagadh's only Natural Plastic Café collected 350 kg of plastic in July. This café has been instrumental in removing 350 kg of plastic from Junagadh city. During one month, as many as 61 consumers relished sorbet in exchange for 500 grams of plastic and two plates of snacks in exchange for one kg of plastic. In this café, people can enjoy natural and quality food, snacks and other items by making cash transactions.
The first café serving food in exchange for plastic has been well received by the people of Junagadh. It is a matter of pride for the people living in Junagadh as they are taking part in curbing the pollution. People give plastic and get tea, sherbet and snacks in return. This initiative would very beneficial for future generations.