Chandigarh:Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi's brother Dr Manohar Singh Channi on Sunday announced that he shall contest the upcoming assembly polls in Punjab as an independent contestant. The announcement came after the release of Congress' first list of 86 candidates from Punjab, which did not include Manohar Singh's name in it.
While announcing this decision, he said that he was hoping that Congress will give him a ticket from the Bassi Pathana seat in Punjab. However, the party has given that ticket to MLA Gurpreet Singh GP as unveiled in the first list of candidates released on Friday.
"Congress has refused to give me a ticket. I have therefore decided to contest these elections as an independent candidate as I did in the 2017 elections. I had won the elections back then and I am confident that I shall be able to achieve that in the upcoming polls also," he said during the announcement. He also said that he has taken the decision of contesting independently after meeting several councillors, village sarpanch and panch who asked him to fight the polls.