Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak on Saturday claimed that dengue situation in the state is under complete control and directed all chief medical officers to conduct regular inspections of hospitals. He asked them to ensure that private pathology labs do not overcharge for a medical test.
Pathak, who is handling the health and medical department in the state, reviewed the control and prevention of dengue and other communicable diseases in the state along with senior officers. According to an official statement, he said hospitals are being equipped with state-of-the-art machines and equipment.
He directed all CMOs that the patients coming to the hospitals should not face any kind of problem, they should be provided high-quality health services and there should not crowding at the prescription counters. He claimed that dengue is completely under control in the state there is no need to panic. He, however, said people should wear full-sleeve clothes, use mosquito nets and keep their surroundings clean.
Pathak said 4,801 dengue patients have been reported in the state so far this year, as compared to 17,729 cases registered during this period last year. He said adequate medicines and beds are available in government hospitals of the state for the treatment of dengue.
Five to 10 beds have been reserved in all block-level hospitals of the state and minimum 10 to 30 beds in district-level hospitals for dengue patients, he said. Along with this, additional beds have been arranged in big districts and medical colleges, he added. (PTI)