New Delhi:A woman was murdered in front of her two children on the streets of the Sagarpur area here on Thursday. The murder was captured on a CCTV camera on the streets where the culprit was seen stabbing the woman with a knife, after which he managed to flee the spot. Officials from the Sagarpur police station reached the spot immediately after they got information about the incident, as informed by South West District DCP Manoj C.
The police rushed the victim to the Deendayal Upadhyay Hospital, though she was declared dead on arrival there. The officials are probing the matter with the CCTV footage as a prime piece of evidence. In the video captured on CCTV, a man in a red t-shirt can be seen following the woman and her two children, while the woman is struggling to move faster with a child in her hands.
"We received a PCR call at around 2 pm at Sagarpur police station that a woman was stabbed. We reached the spot immediately. At around 2.10 pm, the accused stabbed her and managed to escape. Meanwhile, upon investigation, it was found that the victim and the accused were neighbors before she moved to her current residence," the officials said.
The victim reportedly tried to take shelter in a random house on her way to protect herself but could not escape the attack. "The victim has been identified as Aarti. We are interrogating the people in her neighborhood and will soon get in touch with her family members for further inquiry. The CCTV footage is a prime piece of evidence and we will get the culprit soon. The reason for the murder is not yet ascertained, but we have registered a case and the investigation is underway," South West District DCP Manoj C said.
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